Our mission

We are to help those who seek to grow in God, to empower them to empower others, to teach people to be Kingdom minded, to raise up leaders and train them to go forward in their gifts, to teach not just the Word of God, but to raise up Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, to impact the nations, to bring about a change in the communities we live in and the body of Christ, to help pull down the lamentation of the saints so they will begin to walk in the fullness of God as according to Matthew 28:19-20 –

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Our vision

To help ministries that have been in existence for 1 – 3 years, helping to fortify them in the daily administration, equipping them to become stable by “Fathering”, mentorship, training, teaching and guiding them to successfully walk in their vision. Giving them the necessary tools to perfect, edify and build a successful ministry and community by introducing, identifying & moving in the Five-Fold Ministry Gifts to empower them to empower others. Our vision is fulfilled by adopting struggling churches and/or ministries and helping them to be sustained, building or re-establishing their foundation, growing them to grow others.

Zion Hear The Sound Ministries Is A Ministry of  Empowerment For The Body of Christ.

Joel 2:1 –
1Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

Psalm 125:1 –

1They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed but abideth for ever.

Our Pastor

Apostle Samuel Hargrove

Born and raised in Newport News, Virginia; where he served as a deacon-in-training for several years, Apostle Samuel Hargrove was taught and pastored by his mother, the late, General Overseer Mable R. Hargrove; who pastored and founded three churches.
In 2003, God summons Apostle Hargrove to Buffalo, New York to be
connected with the five-fold ministry for impartation into his life.

God began elevating Apostle Hargrove in 2009 under the leadership of
the late, Apostle/Prophetess Amele Kava of Buffalo, New York. Through
the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Apostle Hargrove served for
three years as the Western New York & Vicinity District Director of Men’s

Apostle Hargrove was ordained a Pastor under the leadership of the late,
Pastor/Prophetess Sadie Cooper-Davis; Sr. Pastor of Gods Hope & Charity Deliverance Ministry in Buffalo, New York. He served for five years as Pastor of Outreach & Evangelistic Ministries, Superintendent of Sunday School and Overseer of The Men of Purpose, Men’s Ministry.

While serving in Greenville, North Carolina in early 2015, elevation happened again when God called his servant to the “office of the Apostle” under the leadership of Apostle Alfred Kornegay.

Apostle Hargrove has served as Vice Executive Dean and Professor at Bible Faith Global College & Seminary under the leadership of Apostle & President Dr. Alfred Kornegay, where he received a Bachelor of Theology Degree. Additionally, he holds a Doctorate of Theology degree awarded through the Bible Institute of America, Raeford, North Carolina.

Currently Apostle Hargrove is the Senior Servant of Zion Hear TheSound Ministries. Birthed in late 2015, Zion Hear The Sound Ministries is a “Para” (alongside) Church that provides intense and comprehensive
teaching, training and spiritual development that equips and empowers the Body of Christ for deployment of the work of the Church both locallyand globally. Zion Hear The Sound Ministries focuses on building people, not buildings.

Apostle Hargrove has a powerful testimony of God’s healing and
delivering power through faith. His motto is, “I BELIEVE GOD.”

He resides with his wife Prophetess Barbara Hargrove in the Hampton
Roads, VA area. Together they parent four adult children and ten grand children.